Friday, September 7, 2012

We should all act more like dogs

The other day, I was about three-quarters finished with my jog in the local park. I was tired and sweaty and wanting to quit when I saw a dog roll over on its back. Then it wiggled around in the cool grass while the owner just stood there yacking on her phone and looking bored. (Maybe she's single and should read this blog.)

Every time I see dogs headed out for a walk, they're eager. Our furry friends have no dread. They're always ready and happy for the experience they're about to have. They run and play, chase squirrels and stop and scratch when the urge strikes. They don't have to live by most of our strange human rules.

They don't care what anyone else thinks.

Pups aren't worried about their next deadline at work, the argument they just had with their boyfriend or what they'll wear on their date with the new, hot guy this weekend.

They live to play.

I know we humans have responsibilities - the most important one being putting food into the dog bowl, of course. Commitments shouldn't prevent us from letting loose and having fun though. Maybe it's just dancing when you hear a favorite song - wherever you are - or running when you know you're not supposed to. Or doing a cartwheel or somersault or anything else that makes you feel like a kid again. Walk around with a smile that makes people wonder what yummy thought you're having.

We all need a little more free-spirited happiness in our lives. You may even find it's a little bit contagious. For just a moment that day in the park, I was tempted to wiggle around in the grass, too. Maybe next time I will.

Love to the single girls,

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