Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm sure

Last night, under an almost full moon with its glow cast over the lake, he said "I do." And I said "sure."

Just like that, we were married by the boat's captain and another good friend. The stunned look on my new husband's face when I said "sure" instead of something more definite was heart breaking.

What? The single girl married?

Not exactly. So here's how it happened. The boat's captain is a gem. He's a thoughtful, sincere and very kind man who's a blast to be around and who also dabbles in a wee bit of match making. He decided one of his best friends and I would be perfect mates. And he wasn't subtle about his wishes. So we decided to take advantage of having good friends around and the beautiful setting to make it official. 

Of course it was a pretend wedding. We haven't even kissed or been on a date yet, but it made the captain happy and we all had fun with it. My new husband teased me the rest of the evening about my lack-luster "sure" answer. But by the end of the night, he took responsibility. He wanted to prove himself to me so I would be sure. Even though we were just kidding, this spoke volumes about his character.

There are so many things we jump into without being sure we're doing them for the right reasons. Jobs, friendships, romantic relationships, having children. Each calls for absolute certainty but we often don't go that far.

As my soon-to-be husband and I sat on the back of the boat talking and looking up at the stars, it made me realize there are two things I am sure of right now. I'm absolutely sure I did the right thing becoming single. I love my life. And I'm also sure I want to get to know my new husband better. I wouldn't have even minded if he had reached over and touched me or even kissed me under that beautiful moon. But he didn't. Perhaps he wants to be sure.

Getting to know myself again, meeting new friends and sharing amazing experiences make every day worth living. For sure.

Love to the single girls,

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