Monday, September 10, 2012

If he doesn't remember, did it happen?

This one's a little difficult to admit. Okay, it's terribly embarrassing.

The other night, a friend and I went out together to hear a band. It's the evening I mentioned in Saturday's post, Be Selfish Sometimes. You Deserve it. He and I danced and had so much fun. Then we came back home and walked to a couple of local bars. I got tired and left, but when I got home, my phone wrang. It was him.

"You left me," he said.

"But I said goodbye."

"You left me. Can I come over for a glass of wine?"

""You should go home," I said.

"I'm coming over."

He did.

When he got here, the glass of wine turned into wanting to "cuddle." Cuddling turned into . . . well . . .. In the morning, he asked me if we had sex.

I was devistated he didn't remember.

He walked and talked just fine. He was persistant. He said all the right things - all the things I wanted to hear. How do you know when someone's too drunk? 

I never want to be forgettable again. But if he doesn't remember, did it really happen?

On the bright side, since we're already friends, he at least remembered my name.

Love to the single girls,

P.S. In the morning he also shared with me that he never wants to go back home to New Jersey. He worked in the Twin Towers but was off that fateful day. On this 9.11, I remember all who were lost and am thankful for him and everyone else who survived.

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