Sunday, June 23, 2013


Last night I was loving the band. I was practicing being unapproachable - all of the techniques my friends have told me to use.. Guys still approached me but they had no luck. It was a good night.

Then my friend mouthed from behind the bar. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. I was okay. Truly.

Then the band played Tonight's Gonna be a Good Night by the Black Eyed peas. They dedicated it to everyone who was celebrating. They sang it well and brought the energy up in the bar. 

Then my tears started. I was one of those celebrating, but it overwhelmed me. The 13 years of hell flashed in front of me and it wouldn't go away. Who cries during a Black Eyed Peas song?

But I'm still okay because it's in the past. And I've moved on. Truly. 

Love to the single girls,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Find your beat love

There's not much I enjoy more than watching someone have fun. Seeing two people so into each other they don't notice anything or anyone else is a turn on.

But sometimes that oblivious state - whether from alcohol or something else - is just comical.

I'm watching a fun band. The audience is really into them - especially one girl. So far she's humped her date's leg, danced like a maniac and tried like crazy to find the beat. 

It's  nowhere near her general vicinity. Not even in her zip code. She's clapped her hands above her head but never got remotely close to rhythm. And with each random bounce and jump, she has to pull up her strapless dress, good thing she's in flip flops or she'd be on her ass by now.

It's the off-beat lap dance that never ends.

But her date will get laid tonight if she doesn't pass out first.

Love to the single girls,

One year ago it was official

One year ago this morning, I stood in front of a judge in family court, my attorney by my side. I looked up at the judge on his high bench, answered his questions, and he ended a 13-year relationship. Then wished me luck. The courtroom was full of people ending their marriages. Some talked to the judge alone. Others were there with someone to translate since they didn't speak English. The vast majority of plaintiffs were women, and each, I'm sure, had a story.

While my attorney and I waited for the official copies of the decree, I stepped around the corner and cried. Even though the marriage was empty, abusive and so totally over, it was still a loss. I'm glad my ex wasn't there.

While driving home, I felt overwhelmingly free. Happy. I'll never forget the day. The feelings. It was Friday and there were friends waiting in my neighborhood to celebrate with me. I had a yummy lemon drop martini to start the festivities. Before lunch. And I rarely drink hard liqueur. We had lunch and hung out and drank some more and ate dinner and the restaurant owner where we had dinner molested me. Yes, he put his hand down my halter top and got a handful of my tit. We got a free bottle of champagne to help make up for his bad behavior, but it's still creepy. Then I had one of the worst sexual experiences ever. Worse than forgettable.

But it was all worthwhile to start my new life. The next day I drove to my hometown and went to my high school reunion. Alone. I was disappointed my good girl friend didn't go, but loved it anyway. I didn't have to babysit anyone. After driving back home the next day, I went out to dinner with a new guy.

This anniversary weekend, I hope, will be less eventful. I plan to visit my good friend at the bar where she works. I'll go by myself - not to be selfish - but I don't want to play therapist or take care of anyone. I'll listen to the band and perhaps chat with a few people. I'll go home alone and sleep alone. Tonight I need to take care of me.

Love to the single girls,

What the . . . am I doing?

Who am I kidding. I know exactly what I'm doing, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with it. On my little island getaway a few weeks ago, I met an interesting guy. He's pretty hot too. He works in the hotel where I stayed and we connected immediately. I wrote about my new friend already, and we've kept in touch since.

The day we met was his birthday. He was glowing with positive energy. We talked several times each day during my stay and we flirted. He's a masculine, cool guy but he's not too cool to show he's happy. He's curious to learn and experience new things.  I feel good when I'm around him because he loves life.

That happiness is such a turn on. 

He talks about what he has done and his goals to have his music played in the U.S. He also shares how he takes care of himself by working out and biking and getting good medical attention. He tells me he's proud and impressed by my accomplishments. And he also talks about his love for sex. With his firm but gentle touch and passionate kisses, there's no doubt he's a good lover. He wants me to come back for another visit and spend more time together. He wants to know my body; what sex would be like. 

As much drive and enthusiasm as he has, I'm not sure it's enough to get him off of that island. And that's a problem. Our lives are worlds apart, plus a four-hour plane trip.

I admit, I'm curious too. It's tempting.

Love to the single girls,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm not sure how long it will last but so far so good

This is a direct quote from a woman I met at my friend's birthday party tonight.

I know as well as the next single girl how much of a risk every relationship is. But I also know how important is is to be optimistic. 

Relationships are fuckimg hard to make work. It takes two people determined to make each other happy. And they have to communicate honestly and often and in a way that's nowhere near selfish.

That's why I question the doubt I hear in her statement.

And to paint the rest of the picture, the guy she said this to was sitting between her and another woman. Both women are in committed relationships according to the birthday girl. She thout the scenario was "safe". And both girls appeared to be a lite interested in him.

For the rest of the backstory...the birthday girl dated this guy about ten years ago, and he and I have hung out - and had a juicy little relationship off and on for the last year. 

I constantly learn from these situations. When someone has that level of doubt, stay away. If they can'r commit to another person or get out of one relationship, leave them alone.

Love to the single girls,

Single girls need lovin'

Last night I met a really cool single girl. She's attractive, funny, appears to be a caring friend and she means a lot to one of my best friends.

But she has an odd outlook on romantic relationships. She's Latina and almost explodes with passion. But she'd rather just fuck and move on than have someone actually care.

I understand where she's coming from - especially if she's had some bad relationships. She said she's been single for three years, which I think is perfectly fine - especially considering she's still only halfway to her mid 20s. I'm certainly not ready for one of those comfy, come-home-from-work-cook-dinner-and-hang-out things.

But we're human. Most people need to feel needed and loved. Having that guy in your life who thinks about you (and you about him) when you're not together and is there when you get home sometimes is amazing. And it's nice to know someone besides your best girl friend gives a shit about your incredible or bad day when you call or text them. And, of course, you give a shit about what's going on in his world too. Nothing can replace these feelings.

I kept thinking about what she said, and I hope she passes this phase. There are good people out there. There are people worthy of your love and trust. The risks are worthwhile to find the partner, friend and lover most single girls hope to have.

Love to the single girls,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Is there anything right about this device?

No. Nothing. It takes up hard-to-find space in my 900ish square foot loft. Even more important is the valuable part of my memories it consumes. And it has no function in my day.
This was the Valentine's Day gift from my ex just a month before I moved out. I have to admit, he put more thought into this gift than most, but it's an example of how little attention he paid to understanding what I might like.

He knew how much I loved a good massage. This thing is intended to be a massager. I know, you see them at Brookstone and other gadget places. Many of you probably have one on a shelf somewhere. Do you use it? Would you rather get a massage from this odd device or from human hands?

I prefer hands and fingers massaging the stress away.

Since I'm in another cleaning out phase, it's got to go. I love to get rid of what I'm not using and pass things along to someone who might enjoy them more. Hey, the less stuff there is around here, the more mobile I am.

What's most unique are the accessories he ordered with this one. I still laugh when I look at this. I haven't used any of these to massage any part of my body (or anyone else's). The massager is big and awkward, and the accessories are oddly shape and blue and make the massager even bigger and more awkward. They're just wrong.

Have you ever seen any male genitalia that looked like either of these attachments?

I still laugh at what happened on my moving day. My ex packed two boxes for me the day before the movers came. One was the CDs and DVDS from our merged collection. I'm sure he didn't want me to make off with any of his valuable disks. The other was my nightstand where this useless device was.

He used boxes that barely held together for both. After a long and emotional moving day, the movers went out to the truck to check for anything they may have missed then came back in with the paperwork.

"One box came apart," he said looking rather amused. "And these fell out."

He pulled these two blue things out of his pocket.

"Oh, thanks." What could I say or do but laugh. They smiled too, just the right amount to not be inappropriate.

Let me know if you want it.

Love to the single girls,

Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer love

Love may be an overstatement, but lust definitely fits the season.

It's been a Monday, and I promised myself I would write today. So I'm sitting at my local pub in front of a laptop and glass of wine (okay two). I cranked out more than two pages of my novel, so I'm happy. It's getting harder to write as I get closer to the end. Capturing the right emotions and words matter, so getting away from the distractions of work and home help.

As I walked over, the sky got darker and rain fell. A couple of thunder bolts clapped and I made it to my favorite writing table next to the window just in time.

From this vantage point, I've seen people head home from the bus and others walk their dogs. As I've sat here, a few couples have strolled by. They seem into each other - new relationship-like - a little uncomfortable, but happy just the same.

Summer love. It's fun. Usually.

A few sips in and about a paragraph into my writing, the guy I hung out with briefly around Christmas time came in and planted himself at the bar. Then a few minutes later, a tall, lanky woman sat next to him. They clearly planned their meeting. I continue to write and they keep small talking. She talked for at least 30 minutes about her dog and he sat quietly. Listening, I suppose.

I know him. Kind of. He's happy as long as he gets his alcohol and pussy - as long as no one knows about the pussy part. He's private, you know, a deal breaker in my book.  But he's the one who can't let go. Every once in a while, he gushes about how amazing I look and hard it is not to take me home. He showers me with uncomfortable looks and texts and Facebook messages. Really?


I don't think he's seen me yet and I hope to slip out unnoticed. I'm wearing one of his favorite skirts - one he's gone crazy over before.

The rain has stopped and the sun's shining again on the new summer lovers. I'm thrilled he's found his new summer love and hope he rides off into the sunset with her into pussy heaven. Whatever makes the new summer lovers happy makes me even happier.

Love to the single girls,

Seven new things

Over the last couple of weeks, I've experienced a whole bunch of new things. It's been organic. Unintentional. It's been a blast.

I've already written about my recent trip. It was my first time to to visit Puerto Rico. And as another first, I enjoyed a little Puerto Rican weed with my new friend. Yes, I'd do both again.

As soon as I got home, I had a couple of other firsts that weren't so good. About three hours after I landed, some ballsy bitch stole my wallet and camera out of my purse. It was hanging on the back of my chair at a restaurant, and I knew exactly what she did - a little too late. Then a couple of days later, one of the local Porsche dealerships had to fix the scrape on my dash from when they scratched off the inspection sticker (oh, another first). I went too pick up my car and they had lost my key. Really. 

These firsts won't repeat if I have anything to do with it.

The good part of the car key fiasco was that I had just finished another first. To kick off the weekend, first number five was shooting clays with a shotgun. I've never done either, and dang it was hard. The teachers were good and, even though I only hit one, I'd love to do it again.

The next day held another first. Golfing. I'd never golfed outside of a miniature course until that hot afternoon at the driving range. Our friend was a fabulous coach and catered his teaching to our skills. I loved it.

To wrap up a long week and kickoff the next weekend, we took an early afternoon and had an archery lessen - my seventh first. I enjoyed the peacefulness of loading the arrow and the tiny swoosh of it flying through the air. There are no loud bangs - just the small pop when the arrow tip penetrates the target. Then I had a nice surprise during today's Father's Day trip to visit my dad. He used to be on an archery team and gave me his bow and arrow. Can't wait to try it.

We ended that day with figure skating. One of the girls competed as a kid and now teaches, so she's very good. I had had some lessons and learned basic jumps and spins but just can do enough to be dangerous.

I enjoy living life like summer camp and look forward to adding the next new things.

Love to the single girls,

Friday, June 14, 2013

Down boy

Last night I did something that wasn't very smart. I walked home with someone I don't know. The situation seemed harmless. It was only a block.

A small group gathered at the local pub to bid farewell to a neighbor who's moving off to another state next week. It had been a long day that wrapped up with a birthday dinner for my friend, so I only planned to stop off for one drink.

Two friends were sitting with me at a table inside to escape the balmy evening. We were just girl talking when a guy we didn't know sat down with us. He worked his way into the conversation and it turned out he had just moved into the neighborhood three weeks ago and lives in the next building. The guy seemed nice enough. Then one friend went home and the other walked outside on the patio, so he and I chatted for a few minutes. He offered me another glass of wine but I passed and got water instead.

Another friend walked up and I suggested going outside so he could meet our group of friends. People did the same for me so I like to pay it forward. He met about ten people and they seemed to accept him. I walked off to another table and left him sufficiently entertained with the group.

I walked by everyone to say my final goodbye to my friend who's moving and head home. The new guy followed me.

"I'll walk home with you," he said.

"Okay," I answered. Whatever.

When we got to the point where I would keep walking to my building and he'd go into his, he grabbed me and kissed me. It was one of those awkward teenage grabs when the guy doesn't quite know what to do and misses your mouth. For just a second, I felt like a kid afraid we'd lock braces or swap bubble gum by mistake.

Then he wouldn't let me go.

I said no and had to wiggle out of his grip and then back away from him. He was a prettty big guy. I don't believe I was in danger, but if he had pushed one step further, I would have popped him a pepper spray blast.

"I've got to go," I said and stuck my palm out in front of me. "You cool?"

"Yeah," he said.

I continued to back away until I got closer to my building door.

He yelled across the street, "Give me your number."

I ignored him. This is what happens when I'm too  nice and trusting and don't follow that cliche advice, don't talk to strangers. Next time I'll ask someone to walk with me.

Love to the single girls (and be careful),

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I wish he gave a shit

Every once in a while I get in these melancholy moods. I guess now is one of those times.

I was thinking back on the relationship I've had with someone I've thought of as a friend, lover and sometime savior for the last 3.5 years. The only other guys I've had relationships with for this long ended up proposing to me.

But I'm not sure he gives a shit about me - or anyone for that matter.

It's kind of like socking money into a risky investment except this one took emotional capital too. While the investment has had its ups and downs, overall, it's just been flat. Bleh.

I'll be the first to admit he'll never be the one. He's not the type. But I did expect our trust in each other to grow over time. We've both been through really rough situations over the last few years. For a while he was there for me, but when it really got tough, he wasn't. And now, during his down moments, he doesn't seem to need anyone.

When we're together, it's like we are the only ones on the planet. We talk and share our dreams and fulfill every physical need. When we're not, it's like strangers. Truthfully I don't understand. I'm such don't-give-up-yet personality type that I can't. Not until I understand.

I'm getting closer to cashing out this investment. If hasn't grown in some way over 3.5 years, it never will.

Love to the single girls,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


A few nights ago I had a very enlightening conversation with a guy I know. He had told me he was "kind of seeing someone."

"Cool " I said. "Where did you meet her?"

"High school," he answered. "She lives in Denver."

He told me he hadn't seen her since school but they've communicated by Facebook and text. The band in the bar was loud so we yelled our conversation.

"Oh wow. Is that why you're moving there?"  I asked. "Have you seen her since?"

My face must've shown my shocked thought. Moving based on high school memories and texts?

"We spent five days hanging out together in Denver."

"Thank you." I slapped my hand over my heart to help calm it. "I was worried,"

Oh shit. Five days?

Love to the single girls,

Inappropriate match making

Tonight was a first.

After a long but very productive workday, I met a few friends by the pool. We were chilling and talking and sipping sangria. It was going to be girls' night but we had a couple of male observers. That was okay. It was fun.

Then a couple we know showed.up across the pool.

He's the brother of a guy who lives in my neighborhood, and his wife is just odd.

"I've got to send you a picture," she yelled across the pool. "What's your number?"

I was in the middle of writing the last post called Moving and looked up long enough to give it to her. I immediately regretted sharing my number like I wished I hadn't accepted her Facebook friend request.

When I heard the ding, I picked up the phone. It was a pic from the odd girl. A picture of a man.

"He's a good Christian guy." She yelled across the pool again. "He loves sushi and has two daughters. If nothing else, you'll get a free sushi dinner."

I threw up in my mouth. "Thank you," I yelled back across.

He could very well be a really amazing guy, but he had to be close to my dad's age. 

"Can I throw up now?" I whispered to my friend. 

"Sure," she said. "What's wrong?"

I showed her the picture.

"No," was all she said, and shook her head.

"Can I tell her that her husband kissed me?" I asked. "And he would've had sex with me if I hadn't made him leave?" And it's not easy to push a 6.5 foot man out my door when I'm more than a foot shorter.

"No," she repeated. 

I was offended. She doesn't know me. If she did, she would know how wrong in so many different ways she was by suggesting him. By suggesting anyone. If I need match making help, I'll ask. But chances are, I would never ask her. Chances are, she needs to pay more attention to her own marriage before trying to hook up others.

Love to the single girls 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Why bother?

I had a revelation this morning because of a very regular conversation a couple of nights ago. I realized that if something doesn't make me happier, healthier, wealthier or make the world a better place, it's not worth doing. And there are few exceptions.

I know. Duh. Most people already know this. I realized I already live this way, but had never thought about why or tried to explain it.

I was talking to a guy I met recently who's new to my area. We figured out we're both runners. Since he's a career US Army guy, he treats fitness as part of the job description - part of the Monday to Friday routine. He's also a little cocky.

So am I.

Then he dared to challenge my running.

"I'll take you on a real run," he said.

"Real run?" I said. "I go for real runs every day."

"I don't know how you run," he said.

"I don't know how you run either. What does it matter?" I answered. "I run about a 9.5 minute mile. That's all you need to know."

He told me I could do better. What? I'm happy with where I am. I have no desire to run faster.

Like a dumb ass, I agreed to run at his preferred time and on his course. We agreed to meet at 5:30 a.m. Thursday. What was I thinking?

That was today. While I watched the lightning pop and heard the thunder rumble, I realized I do a lot of things based on the "I have no desire to run faster" rule because a lot of things in life don't make me happier, healthier, wealthier or make the world a better place.

We didn't run together today because of the weather, and he passed on tomorrow because of the basketball finals. We'll just see if I think it's worthy of my time if he mentions it again.

Love to the single girls,

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sometimes a girl needs a little therapy

I mean real therapy. Some situations call for a psychologist or psychiatrist and not just a few drinks and a good cry with the girls.

And therapy's okay. I've done it. I admit I had no idea how to leave an abusive, narcissistic man. I also didn't know how to make it to the other side in one physical and emotional piece. Leaving wasn't easy, and the therapist helped. At our last session, she suggested I come back when I was ready to think about future relationships. She said she could help me make sure I didn't repeat that scenario, and I might take her suggestion when I'm ready.

A lot of people need therapy.

One friend in particular comes to mind. For the last several weeks, she's been obsessive about a guy she's crushed on for the last year. I don't blame her. He's a great guy. He's nice looking, has a good job and a gentleman. He's had many girlfriends over the last year. And they've teased each other, but a romantic relationship will never happen.

She's a hot mess. And those are her words, not mine.

This girl is also attractive. Sweet. Fun. Young. She also has a goal remain a virgin until marriage.

There's another reason there will be no big love affair with her big crush. He loves sex.

She's cried multiple times lately over this guy she never had. Can you mourn a loss of something that was never yours? Is it normal to cry night after night about a guy you never had? 

She also hangs out in bars and will down shots to keep up with the most seasoned drinkers. While she often dresses a little tomboyish, at times she's quite the little sex bomb. Skirts up to there with legs that come almost to my waist. Her favorite pastime in the bars (besides downing shots) is meeting hot guys and making out.

Uhm...are we in high school?

How long will friends remain if they get calls with sobbing into the phone in the middle of their business dinner? Will friends stay around long after night after night of downing shots until they hear slurred sobbing, whining, hopeless rambles about being "tired of looking," "been single for five years," and ready to just settle for "any guy who likes me"? Especially when she's only 23.

How long will friends babysit during the prince-who-will-honor-the-virgin hunts that turn into shot fests. How long will they be willing to worry when their friend insists on getting in the SUV she bought because she wants kids to drive home. Drunk. Especially when she's only 23.

She also insists she's independent. She doesn't need anyone. But she does.

It's okay to need a therapist.

Love to the single girls,

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Leave all the trouble at home

There were two things I was sure of about this little liberation vacation I just took. First, I would be careful and safe. Second, I wasn't taking a trip to find love - or even just to get laid. This trip was for me to have fun. No plans, no obligations, no worries.

And that's exactly what I did.

I'm no idiot. I was a single girl traveling alone. I was an easy target for theft or rape or worse. But I'm no victim. But I had no intention of staying in my hotel room just because the sun went down. So I packed my pepper spray and was smart about where I walked and when. And there were way more cops spread across the tourist areas there than there are Starbucks across most U.S. cities.

I also didn't hook up with men I met there. There were opportunities, but the risk was much greater than the possible pleasure. And finding love or a good hookup wasn't my goal. If you've been reading the last few days, you know there were chances, but I didn't take them.

I wanted to meet people. And I did. I met a guy who helped win a major case against corrupt cops, a coffee tycoon and a hard working musician/hotel employee who just loves life. And I met an interesting couple from Queens, N.Y. and others.

But most of all, I left my troubles at home and just had fun.

But trouble met me when I got home. After being so cautious while traveling, some gutsy bitch swiped my wallet and camera out of my purse - less than a mile from where I live. Then she and her friend power shopped at fast food joints and stores for just over an hour. Then I had to spend about half of my re-entry vacation day today cancelling and reissuing things. My new driver's license pic looks like I'm a beach bum. Maybe I am.

We single girls spend lots of time in restaurants and bars. I've learned the hard way to watch my purse. Don't hang it on the back of my chair but rather in my lap. I could've avoided it all.

But a good thing came out of it all. I spent the evening with a friend. After dealing with the cancellation calls and talking to the police, we laughed and shared Caribbean vacation stories over some of the special rum I brought back.

We've also both have been focused on only having sex with people who mean something to us. That meant not letting loose and hooking up on our vacations. But there was no reason we couldn't be together again. We know and trust each other. He's a passionate lover who loves the art of lovemaking. And he's good at it - with me at least. Each time we share a night, it gets even better. And that's what vacations and enjoying life are all about.

Love to the single girls,


This goes out to all single girls out there - especially Latinas.

Use birth control. Religiously. 

And I don't mean standing up after your man comes inside of you or taking a shower to clean the sperm out. By then it's too late. It also means not trusting him to say he'll pull out first. The hope and pray method doesn't work either. Trust me. 

Use something that will keep you from getting pregnant - pills, IUD, implant - select your favorite from the menu. No matter your religion, use it. Religiously. 

This subject stuck with me because of some conversations I had with guys while on vacation. I'm less convinced the lack of birth control use is because of religious or economic reasons. I think it's cultural. Young women think having babies is cool, and collecting baby daddies is okay. I don't know if they want a ring on their finger or if it's just the baby they want. It doesn't really matter though since the outcome is always baby but no man.

Babies are not and never will be a fashion accessory. Even of your friends are collecting babies, YOU be the one who keeps your hot guy as your man and not your baby daddy. A baby clinging on is just not sexy. And the days of guys "doing the right thing" and marrying you are way over. It will almost certainly kill your romantic relationship. 

I don't usually sound preachy but there's no better way to shoot your chances for success and happiness than kids when your single. Life's tough enough already, and babies just make it harder.

Birth control is also to be used with a condom. You don't want the latest fad virus. STDs aren't sexy either. 

And all you hot men out there, don't let the girls trap you into being your baby mama. You use your condom and don't date them if they aren't using birth control.

Girlfriends are temporary. Kids are for life.

And guys, don't try any of your tricks either. "It's not as good with a condom. I'm clean so I don't need one. I want to come inside you." I've heard them all and they're bullshit.

Sex is beautiful and even more amazing when you're not worried about babies. Just have fun!

Love to the singlegirls,

P.S.  Prima is a term of endearment Latinas use with other girls.  It literally means cousin.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dia del sol

I had never been so happy to see the sun than yesterday morning. Everyone was happy to see its brightness - my new friend who works at the hotel, the taxi driver and the waiter who brought me the Sangria Festival and shrimp salad on the beach (yum). Everyone sang a little louder and smiled a little wider.

A tropical place means rain. And it turns out this was the fourth rainiest May in recorded history here.

I thought I'd get a last hour of rays in by the hotel's rooftop pool. This is what I see and sprinkles are falling. That's okay though, you're supposed to get wet in the pool. Maybe it will blow over.

Now that I've explored the city on a sunny day, I appreciate the cloudy, rainy ones even more. It's cooler and my skin doesn't bake. I think the clouds were part of the reason I walked and walked two days ago.

The morning at the beach yesterday was incredible. My feet are at home in the sand. The Atlantic is rough. I enjoyed going out into the ocean but those crashing waves knocked me on my ass a couple of times and sent me diving for my Carrera shades. One wave was so strong it almost pulled my bikini bottoms off. 

Now I want to come back and take surfing lessons and scuba dive and snorkle and explore the rest of the island. I always love a new adventure. If there are waves, you might as well use them!

Love to the single girls,

My new friend

One of the first people I encountered at my hotel was a very sweet hotel employee. He met me with kindness even though I looked like a drenched cat and dripped rain all over the lobby's tile floors. There was chemistry from the start. For me, it was his big smile and optimism.

Once I dumped my bag in my room and dried off, I popped back downstairs to find out the best, most fun restaurants and bars in the area. He gave me a long list of both and I tried many of them during my stay. They were all good suggestions.

It turned out that grey and rainy day was his birthday and he was still happy in spite of having to work. Throughout my stay we talked about our days - before and after each happened. He always met me with that bright glow and listened with interest. 

On my last full day, we did something he's not supposed to do. We made plans to go out. He wanted to show me some places I hadn't yet seen. He drove me to a beautiful beach where we sat and talked and watched the tide come in. Then we went to a long strip of beachside bars. They all had big patios and lively Latin music.

He showered me with compliments. He liked my eyes, my body, my clothes, my life. He was shocked my ex would be so mean and drive me away. He's attractive, works very hard, and loves life and music. He's recorded eight tracks for a cd that he played a sample of for me. I was impressed. They were fun hip hop songs with a great Latin dance beat. I hope he's able to do what he wants with his music. 

I couldn't have asked for a better last night. 

Love to the single girls,