Monday, October 8, 2012

2 a.m. messages

A friend passed along the funniest thing on Facebook tonight. I've heard it before, but this is the first time through single girl ears and it made me laugh.

3 a.m. phone call:

"Hey are you asleep?"

"No, I'm skydiving."

I'm confessing to you all right now. I am stealing this next time that middle-of-the-night call or text happens. And it will. It always does. It happens to most every single girl.

You've read about a few already, and the others weren't interesting enough to write about. One guy had a 2:08 a.m. urgent need to pick up his hoodie I had borrowed. It was early August in triple digit temperatures. Brrrr. And he thought it would be awesome to hang out for a bit too. Another just invited me over to his place at 2:34 a.m. But he didn't ask if I was asleep. Then there was the "Are you sleeping :-)" text at 1:04 a.m.

And finally, the 2:30 a.m. phone call. It was after our fun evening, and followed our goodnights. But that call resulted in "If he doesn't remember did it happen?" - still the most read Story of a Single Girl post so far.

Yes, each is real. These and more happened in the last three months. I slept through or ignored most of these messages. Late-night bootie calls typically aren't my thing. But don't get me wrong, they can be really sexy and fun if you know the person and that chemistry's there. I think the single girl trick is staying in control. Why wait for him to send the message?

But next time he texts or calls, perhaps a neighborhood squirrel will answer while I skydive.

Love to the single girls (and thanks to my friend for sharing and making me laugh!),

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