Sunday, October 14, 2012

TV and the single girl

Last night I had dinner with a group of writers and illustrators. In our professional-acquaintance small talk, we got on the topic of TV programs we watch.

This was a group of creative folks, and the TV shows reflected it. I heard talk of Downton Abbey and a few current sitcoms like Parks and Recreation. But most of them were Trekkies and Whovians. One women even got pulled over on her way home from a Star Trek convention, but her costume wasn't enough to get her out of a speeding ticket. She should have said, "I'm sorry, officer. I was going warp speed. Captain's orders."

But no one shared my passion for Mad Men, the music and dance shows like X Factor and The Voice, or my all-time fav series, Sex and the City. Oh well, I had one up on them though because I'm the only one who had a Dr. Who Tardis dress. And when they saw a picture of it, one man, who also happens to make elaborate costumes, suggested I wear it as my Halloween costume.

Coming off a marriage to a cable news junkie, I rarely turn on my TV. We used to have to watch The O'Reilly Factor during dinner every night, which meant any conversation we had was limited to the length of a commercial break. My TV hasn't been to a cable news station since. Even during this election season. I get my news from other places. I just want the hard facts, so screw the commentary. I'll make up my own mind. Please don't judge me.

It's interesting how people measure others up by their TV and what they do and don't watch on it. I know so many people who don't even own a television, and they sometimes sound a tad intellectually pious when they talk about it. If they want to watch something, they do so on their computer. Makes sense. I also know people whose faces - and sometimes words - judge people for what they watch or don't watch.

A couple of people have even asked me how I can stand such a small TV. It's 32 inches. It's brand spankin' new, and I can see it perfectly from my bed upstairs. How big of a screen do I need in a 900 square foot loft?

TV is mainly for entertainment. Entertainment is an escape. A break from work. The mundane of every day. A few minutes for us to rest our brains. Or stretch them. Laugh. Cry. Get lost in a the story of someone else's life. To me, our choice of TV shows, music and movies is personal. I applaud any choice - whether it be Jersey Shore, Ax Men, cable news, Nurse Jackie, Downton Abbey, Housewives of wherever or nothing at all.

Just enjoy!

Love to the single girls,

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