Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A single girl's nightmares

This cigar creature has given me nightmares since my visit to the state fair a couple of weeks ago. Isn't it one of the ugliest things? And people pay money to win this!

Last night was my second and final fair visit for the year, and my friend and I searched the whole Midway to find the ugly cigar again. While we looked, we ran across this human-sized angry habanero pepper that's pretty frightening too.

But even worse was what the guy working the game booth where the cigar was. What he said will give me nightmares.

"Come play and you can take it home. If you don't win, you can take me home."

I snapped the picture. Fast.

As my friend and I walked away, he said, "I guarantee you'll take something home - either that or me."

Uh, no thanks.

Giant cigars and creepy men aren't my only monsters. Last night's nightmares were all about the work I owe a client. I'm way behind on this one client and can't seem to catch up. In my dreams, I had to go to their office and do the work. I was there at the big corporate accounting firm for days. They wouldn't let me leave. Then I woke up and it was over. I hope. Maybe the fact I stopped working at 3 o'clock yesterday so we could go to the fair caused the nasty dreams?

Being in an office building every day would be the worst punishment possible since I work from home and love it. Stop back by in the morning for a new post on working from home. It'll be good. Promise.

My last big nightmare - well, it hovers between sweet dreams and nightmares - is about my friend who's supposed to come for a visit in a few weeks. If he does visit, it will be an amazing, delicious weekend. What causes the nightmares is if he doesn't and what it will do to me and our relationship.

But maybe it's the fried food I ate at the fair that caused all of the nightmares. It was a Tornado Sweet Tater along with the Divine Chocolate Tres Leche Cake and the PB&J&B sandwich (fried Elvis as my friend calls it) that my friend and I shared. Yum. At least I made the 60 inch height cut for the rides by 2 3/4 inches - the very reason I'm almost always in heels. A few women didn't, and I would've had nightmares if it had happened.

With the fair leaving town and Halloween around the corner, I hope to leave these and all monsters behind.

Sweet dreams to the single girls,

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