Tuesday, August 6, 2013


This has been a trying week on the relationship front, but one that resolved.

Neither of us changed, but we understand each other better. We know what it will take for this relationship to last another three-and-a-half years or more.

I know he'll never be a monogamist. I also know he sometimes retreats - doesn't respond to calls or texts. Neither is personal. It's just the way he is, and I accept it. He knows I have to be treated with respect. He has to communicate with me - honestly - for this to work. He also knows we have to see each other every few months or we start to become strangers. We're half a country apart, but it never stopped us from meeting up before. None of these things are new to either of us, we just needed a good reminder since we've both been through so much over the last year.

Since I met him, I thought I had a bit of an addiction to him - his bohemian personality, swag and his abilities as a lover. Now I think that addiction may go both ways. Our relationship is in a new place. A place based on respect for each other and on endless passion for raw, hot sex. It's simple. We care about each other and feel good when we're together.

We all deserve to be happy, and I am.

Love to the single girls,

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