Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My own little identity crisis

Two years is how long experts say someone needs to recover  after a relationship or job ends. I agree.

After Divorce or Job Loss Comes the Good Identity Crisis. Read it if you've ever lost a job or someone. It's good.

Like the article mentions, there are the little things like which side of the bed to you sleep on and when do you eat dinner. The beauty of it is that it doesn't matter! You can sleep and eat and watch TV whenever and wherever you want. Or you can skip it all together. 

I'm a little over a year into my divorce recovery time and I know I'm not ready to move on. There are so many awful memories and bad feelings to get over. So much healing to happen. So much happy to find before diving into dating and relationships again. I can tell especially when people decide it would be such a good idea to introduce me to men. I get nauseous. Really.

Don't get me wrong, I love going out and meeting new friends - guys included. I've been out with a number of guys over the last year. We have fun, but it's not long term. I'm looking or friends not love, and they know that.  

The other night a guy I know cornered me. He broke up with his girlfriend of a little over a year a month ago. He was telling me how he has to "learn how to walk again." He's right, and I told him it may well take many months. 

Another example is the guy I went out with for a couple of months earlier this year. The BIG RED FLAG from the beginning with him was that he and his seven-year girlfriend had just broken up. She moved out of his house exactly a week before the first time we went out. I knew there were issues but he was fun and the sex was great. For a while. And he gave lots of entertaining topics for this blog like my Dating Rule #6 about falling asleep and the one about my vagina being on fire. Literally.

One day in March we just stopped. I got tired of him and he probably of me. Then all the sudden he started spending 24/7 with another woman. She has kids and the two of them appeared to be in love within about two weeks - on Facebook at least. 

That's way too quick. I'm not sad or jealous. I don't even miss him. I'm the lucky one. When a relationship happens, I'll really be ready, and maybe next time it will work.

Love to the single girls,

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