Over the last couple of weeks, I've experienced a whole bunch of new things. It's been organic. Unintentional. It's been a blast.
I've already written about my recent trip. It was my first time to to visit Puerto Rico. And as another first, I enjoyed a little Puerto Rican weed with my new friend. Yes, I'd do both again.
As soon as I got home, I had a couple of other firsts that weren't so good. About three hours after I landed, some ballsy bitch stole my wallet and camera out of my purse. It was hanging on the back of my chair at a restaurant, and I knew exactly what she did - a little too late. Then a couple of days later, one of the local Porsche dealerships had to fix the scrape on my dash from when they scratched off the inspection sticker (oh, another first). I went too pick up my car and they had lost my key. Really.
These firsts won't repeat if I have anything to do with it.
The good part of the car key fiasco was that I had just finished another first. To kick off the weekend, first number five was shooting clays with a shotgun. I've never done either, and dang it was hard. The teachers were good and, even though I only hit one, I'd love to do it again.
The next day held another first. Golfing. I'd never golfed outside of a miniature course until that hot afternoon at the driving range. Our friend was a fabulous coach and catered his teaching to our skills. I loved it.
To wrap up a long week and kickoff the next weekend, we took an early afternoon and had an archery lessen - my seventh first. I enjoyed the peacefulness of loading the arrow and the tiny swoosh of it flying through the air. There are no loud bangs - just the small pop when the arrow tip penetrates the target. Then I had a nice surprise during today's Father's Day trip to visit my dad. He used to be on an archery team and gave me his bow and arrow. Can't wait to try it.
We ended that day with figure skating. One of the girls competed as a kid and now teaches, so she's very good. I had had some lessons and learned basic jumps and spins but just can do enough to be dangerous.
I enjoy living life like summer camp and look forward to adding the next new things.
Love to the single girls,
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