There were two things I was sure of about this little liberation vacation I just took. First, I would be careful and safe. Second, I wasn't taking a trip to find love - or even just to get laid. This trip was for me to have fun. No plans, no obligations, no worries.
And that's exactly what I did.
I'm no idiot. I was a single girl traveling alone. I was an easy target for theft or rape or worse. But I'm no victim. But I had no intention of staying in my hotel room just because the sun went down. So I packed my pepper spray and was smart about where I walked and when. And there were way more cops spread across the tourist areas there than there are Starbucks across most U.S. cities.
I also didn't hook up with men I met there. There were opportunities, but the risk was much greater than the possible pleasure. And finding love or a good hookup wasn't my goal. If you've been reading the last few days, you know there were chances, but I didn't take them.
I wanted to meet people. And I did. I met a guy who helped win a major case against corrupt cops, a coffee tycoon and a hard working musician/hotel employee who just loves life. And I met an interesting couple from Queens, N.Y. and others.
But most of all, I left my troubles at home and just had fun.
But trouble met me when I got home. After being so cautious while traveling, some gutsy bitch swiped my wallet and camera out of my purse - less than a mile from where I live. Then she and her friend power shopped at fast food joints and stores for just over an hour. Then I had to spend about half of my re-entry vacation day today cancelling and reissuing things. My new driver's license pic looks like I'm a beach bum. Maybe I am.
We single girls spend lots of time in restaurants and bars. I've learned the hard way to watch my purse. Don't hang it on the back of my chair but rather in my lap. I could've avoided it all.
But a good thing came out of it all. I spent the evening with a friend. After dealing with the cancellation calls and talking to the police, we laughed and shared Caribbean vacation stories over some of the special rum I brought back.
We've also both have been focused on only having sex with people who mean something to us. That meant not letting loose and hooking up on our vacations. But there was no reason we couldn't be together again. We know and trust each other. He's a passionate lover who loves the art of lovemaking. And he's good at it - with me at least. Each time we share a night, it gets even better. And that's what vacations and enjoying life are all about.
Love to the single girls,
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