Friday, March 29, 2013

I still don't get it

Last night I saw a woman who had been a fun friend to hang out with for a couple of months last summer. She was funny, pretty and loved to hang out and drink. I needed that after the bad marriage and tough moving experience.

Then I got to know her.

The funny, pretty persona is just on the surface. Underneath, she's trouble. She's a woman with no moral foundation. She lied constantly about her job, where she was last night and just about everything else. She was emotionally abusive and stole from my good friend. And she went crazy over something I supposedly did. That was eight months ago and I still don't know what I did - or didn't do - and I don't really care.

She and her husband have been separated for about a year now. I'm sure they're still married because she'd be deported if they were divorced. One reason their marriage failed was because there were too many men in her life - and in her. She's had live-in relationships at least six men in the last year (including her husband) and been pregnant by three of them (that I know of). With all of the options, I guess she still hasn't figured out birth control.

Her current boyfriend and baby daddy (as far as I know) manages the bar where I went with a group of people to hear a friend sing last night. I'm not sure what she does there but stand around and drink sodas. Lots of people knew she was pregnant even though there was no visible baby bump in her tight black skirt.

Because of her actions over the last year, she's left the hearts of both boyfriends and friends broken all over the place. She's deleted from my life and, even though we said hello, I didn't feel comfortable being in the same room with her.

I looked at them together last night and just didn't get it. They're an unlikely couple. He's posting sonograms to Facebook, so I hope she has this baby and doesn't break his heart with another abortion.

Love to the single girls,

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