Sunday, March 31, 2013

Going home

I'm not sure why it feels different when I go home now that I'm single again. I spent the Easter weekend at my childhood home with my parents and my sister and her family.

My mom's never been shy about sharing her opinions and telling me what to do. While I was married, we had an unspoken agreement that she'd curb the controlling behavior - a little at least.

Since I don't have a husband now, she acts like I must certainly need someone to step in and think for me. No, I could never think for myself. There are little things she says I just let roll off like telling me how to put dishes in the dishwasher and reminding me to wear a jacket because it's cold outside. But now I can't make political decisions on my own so I need my ex back in my life to help.

This crossed the line, and I snapped. I recall shaking my finger at her and yelling something about the hell he put me through. It rattled her. I don't think she'll say that again any time soon. In her defense, she doesn't know the bad stuff apart from the bits she saw.

I still wonder if she truly does treat me differently now or do I imagine it. It's probably a little of both, or maybe she's always been this way but I ignored it more then. Can single people think or does it take a couple to complete a thought?

Love to the single girls,

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