Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hiding behind the friend label - dating rule #7

I know I'm really slow at figuring out this one. I'm downright remedial. I trust people more than I should. And I trust people I shouldn't. It's just who I am, and I'm trying to change.

Why? Well, they're friends.

The one I've described recently as one of the good guys tells me almost every time I see him how he puts our friendship first. I guess he means he considers our friendship above the physical part of our relationship. He invites me out and complains that I don't contact him. He wants me to make plans with him in advance - something I've never really done with him until I tried it last night.

I texted him to suggest going out somewhere this weekend. Okay, it's partially because I'm suffering from real friend withdrawal, but he's also fun to hang out with. He makes me laugh.

He texted back this afternoon, "Wish, doesn't look like it at this point...weekends r so short and I've been severely procrastinating."

What? The people who call themselves my friends that I want in my life make time if they want to, or they at least have a better reason.

He doesn't know what being a friend really means.

I saw it happen once already. Early on, he invited me to join him and a friend at a local bar. After a couple of drinks, he was ready to leave. He wanted to go to my place, but his friend had just ordered dinner and he was going to leave him there to eat alone. His friend whined a bitm and my friend said he'd stay for a while. Then his friend told him all was okay - he'd invite someone else to keep him company. Do real friends leave?

Dating rule number seven - stay away from the guys who want the boyfriend benes while calling your relationship just friends.

My "friend" has one thing partially right. He says weekends are so short. I say life is way too short to waste with guys who want to hide sex behind friendship - especially when they're only friends when it's convenient.

Love to the single girls,

P.S. He left me a voice mail soon after I posted this to explain further. He said maybe the next weekend but remembered he already has a St. Patty's Day commitment so maybe the next. Really friend?

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