Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A girl should be able to walk in peace

One of the things I adore about living where I live is being able to walk to restaurants and bars. There are at least eight within five minutes of my door.

But one of the things I hate about living here is walking to the restaurants and bars.

The waiters at the Italian restaurant in the next block stand on their patio and watch people walk by. It's on the path to almost everywhere I walk. Every time I walk by they stare and make comments. When I come back from jogging in the park,  dripping sweat, they do it. And it's really bad when I'm going out at night.

They were extra obnoxious when I walked by on my way to my friend's birthday party last Saturday night. One looked up and saw me. He turned and tapped his friend on the shoulder. He turned around too and they they just gawked. Then one of them said, "Where's the party?"

I ignored them.

Even last night when I walked by with a man by my side, one guy gave me the head to toe once over. My friend even noticed. Any guy who thinks the girl doesn't seethe leering eyes is an idiot. Their valets don't stare, only the wait staff. But then again, the owner is the one who molested me during dinner while I was sitting at a table of people last June. Yep, hand down my top with a handful of bare skin on the day my divorce was final.

It's hard to avoid these guys since they also park in my garage. And that means they have access to my building. Should I be afraid?

It's time to confront them. I'm tired of the attention and ready to walk through my neighborhood in peace.

Love to the single girls,

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