Thursday, July 4, 2013


Last weekend I made jello shots with the girls for the Independence Day eve party tonight. We kept pouring them until we ran out of Jello so now there are more than 600 of them. And some of are really strong. I hope we didn't put so much alcohol in them that they don't get jiggly. That's the whole fun of Jello.

And one never really grows out of the yellow, orange, green, red and blue fruity jiggly stuff - especially for a summertime holiday party. People enjoyed them, but the people I knew best I told to avoid the green ones. They had Everclear. Yikes!

The warm summer nights bring up another jiggly topic. Girls enjoy dressing up in their pretty summer dresses - the sundress or strapless ones that show just enough of everything and are easy to put on - with or without underwear. Some are short, and others are long. And some girls wear underwear and some don't.

What made me think of this was the conversation a couple of guys had at the pub the other night. It was a weeknight and not too crowded. The guys had spotted a couple of girls we kinda know talking and dancing with their guys. They both had sexy summer dresses on with thong underwear. And both girls carry full behinds. They guys commented on them. They didn't say anything derogatory, but instead were neutral. They certainly noticed.

But what girls need to see is what they look like from the back. And I don't mean just standing still and sneaking a look through a mirror. They need to walk. What does that show-everything fabric share with everyone behind about you and your behind.

Face it. Some girls butts are jiggly. It's not a bad thing - in fact some guys like a little jiggle. It's just a fact. And girls need to know so they're comfortable with how they look.

Both the jello shots and the cute summer dresses were hits for my first real 4 July party.

Love to the single girls,

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