Friday, November 9, 2012

Time to think

While I was jogging this afternoon, it hit me why I'm so hooked on running. It's my time to think. No phone. No work. No distractions. Just me and my music. And my mind is free to go where it wants. It's when I sort through problems. Imagine what will happen next in my novel. It's when I write these postings in my head.

I also noticed other people in the park. Most of them had a phone attached to their ear. They were walking their dog or walking for exercise. But they were talking while they're doing it. Yeah, it's great to keep in touch, but to me, making time to think is even more important. Maybe you just think about what to have for dinner or where to go for the weekend. But this is also great time to think about your job, your career, your relationships. Time to think about you and what makes you happy.

One man was sitting on a park bench, arms stretched across the back with no phone in sight. He was just there. Being. Then there was the couple in their business clothes sitting on a blanket together. Talking. To each other. I love these sights.

People are so busy these days. As soon as we roll out of bed we're getting ready for something, working, taking care of kids or pets or spouses, talking, doing. There's so little time to just be. I'm convinced this is the reason so many people have trouble sleeping at night. The moment they lay their head on the pillow is the first time all day they've been quiet. Alone with themselves. So their minds just whirl.

My time for thinking hasn't changed that much as a single girl. I jogged then almost as much as I do now. But now, instead of sitting my ass on the sofa while my ex watches whatever he thinks we should watch on TV at night, I do something I love.

That 45 minutes each day I'm jogging isn't enough time to think, so I'm going to work on making more time. God knows I have lots to think about. I hope you can do the same. Because you deserve it.

Love to the single girls,

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