Thursday, November 8, 2012

Doing without

This morning was like most other weekdays. Coffee, check all of the various messages, read the news, oatmeal. Kinda bland, right? Then it happened. Halfway through cooking my oatmeal, the microwave stopped. And it wouldn't restart. I tried another outlet and looked for a reset button. No spark. No sound. It's dead.

What's a single girl to do without a microwave? A single guy? Anybody? Doing without a microwave is almost as bad as not having power. And the power goes out in my area at least once a month for no apparent reason No storm. No extreme temperatures. No power. And the microwave is already a sore point, For the rent I pay, a microwave should be included. The leasing office said no. But these are entirely different posts.

I'm just spoiled on modern-day conveniences. Like electricity and microwaves. 

And my microwave isn't even mine. It's borrowed. One of my dearest friends loaned it to me since I already had to buy a bed, linens, TV and all of the other start-up stuff. It helped to have one less thing to buy on moving day. But I haven't told him yet. I'm certain he won't care. He'll probably feel bad it only lasted eight months. I'm just thankful I had it for eight months. I also suspect he expected to get a working microwave back someday.

So this single girl is on her way to add her first large(ish) appliance to her asset list. My washer and dryer are rented, and the next largest appliances are my tea kettle and tiny four-cup coffee maker. I don't even own a blender. My goal is to travel light. Be mobile. Keep life simple. But now I'll have to own a microwave.

Love to the single girls,

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