Friday, November 2, 2012

Financial Friday

Last night I ran into a couple I know while taking my friend's dog for a walk. He and his girlfriend had just had a drink at the Italian place across the street from me and he said something shocking.

"We were going to have dinner there but we just ordered a pizza instead," he said.

Oh, okay. Pizza's good on a Thursday night.

Then he said more. "I added up on my credit card statements that I spent $11 grand the last couple of months on going out."

What? Yes, that's $11,000 on alcohol and food over a couple of months for he and his girlfriend. And they're not big on fancy places. This is mainly booze. Crown, beer and Jägermeister with a few meals thrown in. I'm guessing he doesn't pay for his weed on the credit card, so that's on top. Eleven grand would buy a car or several nice trips. It would even pay a big part of a house down payment.

The timing was interesting. I had just watched a Socialcam friend's video about how she and her family are just on the verge of being debt free. She was floating. Ecstatic. And they had made sacrifices getting there. Done without luxuries, extras and even TV. Based on what I saw, she thought it was so worth it, and she taught her kids a good lesson in the process.

Even though I've never met her, she inspires me.

Part of the freedom of being a single girl is being debt free. When you're single, there's no one to turn to when you can't make ends meet. Besides, I never want to to depend on anyone for anything I can do for myself. And who wants to be the poor girl who can never afford any fun?

Don't get me wrong. I love my nice things. Nice trips. Cool clothes. Fast car. Shoes. And I've probably spent more money on clothes and going out since I've been single. But I work my ass off.

And I pay for it all right then (after I get the miles on my credit card, that is). I also clip coupons, shop sales and do half-price sushi night when I can. And I don't drink up $100 bar tabs. Why bother when you can't remember doing it?  

And the best part, with a little money, you can be in control. And that's the kind of single girl I want to be.

Love to the single girls,

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