Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Keeping those promises

I was doing some shopping online for Christmas gifts last night and ran across something that made me laugh. It so sums up the life of a single girl.

They're condoms. Obama condoms that won't break as easily as his promises. No matter your political beliefs, you have to laugh. But there are only two condoms per pack, so don't count on these to do the whole job.

While the "say it with a condom" sentiment is hysterical, this reminds me how important it is to keep promises. To your friends, your family, your boss, your employees, your lover. If you have respect for yourself and for them, you will keep those promises.

Broken promises are a big part of why a lot of relationships fail. It's one reason my marriage ended. He would have a fit about something I did or didn't do. I'd tell him to stop. Butt out. When he didn't, I would tell him it's over. He'd promise to do better. Be nicer. I stayed. Until I didn't.

He also promised to buy me a new engagement ring. One to replace the ring he bought at Walmart. Now I'm not a jewelry snob, but it isn't the ring I would choose. He didn't tell me where it came from until a couple of years into our marriage. Then he promised to get a better one. He bought new guitars. guns, cars, a boat and took long breaks from working. And he'd promise a new ring again and again. Years passed and I never got one. Now the Walmart ring is sitting in a box in a drawer along with a pile of memories of other broken promises.

But that's over now. And I'm trying not to get into that pattern again. But some people I know commonly say things they'll never do. Let's meet for lunch tomorrow. I'll bring your key back tonight. We'll go here...or there soon. I'll get your website finished by next week. I promise. And it's not just me. I hear people promise they'll help a friend move or do this or that. And it never happens. They even break promises to themselves. I'll start exercising next week. I'll stop staying out so late. I'll drink less.

Let's just hope the promise that these condoms won't break is a REAL promise!

Love to the single girls,

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