Saturday, November 10, 2012

The hazards of exercise

I've noticed the last few weeks people around my neighborhood are talking about taking better care of themselves. Just last night I heard three different people say they want to stop smoking. And once they do that, it's to the gym or jogging trail. Not one of them is overweight. They just want to be in better shape. Feel better.

I know one person who's actually doing it. Committed. Disciplined. She's not even drinking the occasional glass of wine anymore. She's already naturally gorgeous and will be rock-hard stunning soon. The others are just talk so far. Quitting cigarettes and starting an exercise routine are both huge commitments - ones everyone has to do for themselves and not for someone else.

For anyone feeling motivated to run here are the top 10 hazards according to Addison:

10.  Acorns might ping you on the head on a windy day.
9.    Having to focus on not tripping while you dodge kamikaze squirrels chasing those acorns will be a usual thing.
8.    You'll probably have to do more laundry or buy more running clothes.
7.    Some may make the mistake of buying purple running shoes. (but at least they're comfortable)
6.    There will be cute dog encounters. Guaranteed.
5.    If you're lucky, those cute dogs will have hot guys walking them
4.    You'll very likely run into people you know in the neighborhood. To any southern girl, being seen dripping sweat without makeup is as bad as it gets.
3.    Some of those people you run into may even want to hug you. It happened to me today!
2.    Guys will fall over themselves to get to you with that hot bod.
1.    When you have that hot bod and feel amazing, sex will blow you into the next galaxy!

Be careful now. You might actually look even more fabulous and have some fun!

Love to the single girls,

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