Thursday, November 1, 2012

I'm no kid anymore

And I paid my dues while I was a kid. So if anyone scolds me or tells me what to do, it's not going to work. It never has. And it never will. Just ask my mother and my ex.

My mother's given up. She used to boss me around, tell me what to do and how to do it. All the time. Now I just say okay and do whatever I want.

My ex never quit trying to control me. It was over the top. A real problem. Even though his life was a mess, for some reason he thought his ideas, his approaches were so much better than mine. And he was convinced I was stupid to not do what he said. Yeah right. If I had, I'd still be married to him. That would be stupid.

How did I ever wake up in the morning and get through the day without help? How did I make decisions and survive living on this earth all the years without someone there telling me what to do at every move?

Family, friends, clients and boyfriends. Any time someone tells me what to do, they can be almost sure I won't do it. Not then. Not ever.

Even Siri tells you what to do. You know what I'm talking about if you have an iPhone. Over the weekend, Siri kept coming up uninvited.

"Go to hell, Siri," I said.

"Goodbye would have been more polite," Siri said.


Okay, I confess. Sometimes it's the delivery rather than the idea. I'm not totally stubborn. But, if I'm going to be scolded, told what to do, or anything else remotely controlling, this is the reaction you'll get.

So maybe I still am a kid. Just a bit.

Love to the single girls,


  1. There is only one time I like to be told what to do and I better have a screaming orgasm afterwards!!


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