Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Leaf blowers

I've never really understood the purpose for using leaf blowers. All they do is blow leaves and grass clippings off of one piece of property onto another or into the street. Unless someone picks up what's being blown around they just move stuff from one place to another.

Then it hit me this morning while I watched workers blowing leaves. Some people are just like leaf blowers.

They blow their drama, their problems and egos around transferring them from one place to another but never making them go away.

Some people I know use girls night as a therapy session. They create drama and problems in their lives then it all gets spread around to other people. If a person's not going to solve their own problem, how can someone else do it for them? Seriously?

The other day, a woman who had committed to take part in the event I'm in charge of backed out.  She got her big-girl panties all twisted up because she wasn't getting enough attention. She blew her ego around so much that she ended up packing up her toys and going home.


I don't understand these people or how they get away with blowing their bullshit from one place to another rather than cleaning it up themselves.

Love to the single girls,

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