Sunday, February 17, 2013


Last night a friend said something that still bothers me. He told me he doesn't think he'll live very long. He thinks his lifestyle will do him in. We were talking about life goals and professional accomplishments. He said he was much more ambitious when he was married, but since he's been single, he doesn't care as much any more. I wish he wouldn't think that way. He has lots to offer.

I also find this perspective hard to relate to on two fronts. First, since I've been on my own, I care more. I'm focused on achieving my personal goals. My desire to be a success - professionally and personally - is even greater now that I'm solo. That desire comes from my gut. It's all for me and not for anyone else.

Second, how can someone know they may not live long because of something they can change? Lifestyle? Really? So, drink less, eat better, sleep more, stop smoking and exercise. If someone wants to achieve any of these but can't on their own, they can get help. If their friends are holding them back, they need new friends - true friends who want the best for those around them.

But they have to want to live.

Losing my friend recently made me think about mortality. She wanted to live and fought for her life for eleven months. Her killer was one she couldn't control. One that hit because of fate and not lifestyle.

Living life well had already been on my mind since the drug dealer in my area passed away. His death was caused by lifestyle. He looked like he enjoyed living, but he could've changed. I'm still amazed by the reactions to his death from people I know. They came out of the woodwork to mourn. And not one of them seems to have gotten a clue.

If you live hard, you die young.

If I died today, I would have no regrets. But there is so much more to do. I want to see what my nieces achieve when they're no longer under my brother-in-law's thumb. I want to see my friends get married, have kids if they choose and accomplish their dreams. I want to see other friends become grandparents. I want to be around for my parents when they need me. I want to publish novels, fall in love, travel to places I've never been and to others I want to visit again. I want to go there with the people I love. These are just some of the reasons I'm obsessed with taking care of myself as well as I can.

Life is precious. I don't want to miss a moment.

Love to the single girls,

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