Friday, February 15, 2013

Life's too short

People come and go from this earth every day, but some affect those they leave behind more than others. I learned this morning an amazing woman's life was cut short. She was one of the most genuinely beautiful people I've ever known. She left every room and life she entered brighter.

I knew her because we both write. We encouraged and supported each other's efforts, and I was always happier after I had talked to or seen her. She helped make me a better person. My heart hurts for her family, but I feel lucky she was in my life for a short while.

But now I'm angry that a living thing like cancer can overtake such a beautiful person's body. I hate that she spent the last eleven months of her life since the diagnosis in surgery, treatment and pain. I'm angry it happened so fast. But I'm also glad it happened fast so her pain she hid so well could end.

She never knew about my separation and divorce, but she inspired me in the darkest moments. Her battle started about the time my new life did. If I had told her, she would have put aside her own problems to make sure I was okay. That's just who she was. She wasn't a single girl, but every time drama overwhelmed me, I thought of her. My problems were trivial. I could handle my ex's hateful words and mean spirit because I had my health. I could manage any moment of loneliness since I had what I knew would be a happy future ahead.

She didn't.

Your writing, your spirit and your life will continue to inspire me. Every time the sun shines, I'll know it's your light. Hugs to you, my love.

Life's too short.

Love to the single girls,

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