Monday, October 28, 2013

Sleeping through

Sleep has always been something to do when I'm tired. It usually happens between midnight and 7 in the morning - give or take an hour or two. Very rarely do I miss out on something because I'm sleeping.

Others do though. I saw it happen when I was on vacation recently.

The man in the middle seat on my flight home was chatting with the guy on the aisle who was a pilot for the airline and flying in uniform. It turned out the wife of the guy in the middle was a flight dispatcher, so they talked shop. They talked about the strange flight paths they have to take when they fly non-rev. But middle seat guy was on the flight with me because he slept through his last connection at the gate. He even told the pilot on my row he'd be asleep before the jet reached 10,000 feet.

He was right. But we were still taxiing to our runway when his head started bobbing and  the snores came. We weren't even off the ground yet and nowhere near 10k feet.

On my cruise with my friends a couple of weeks ago, one of the three of us missed a couple of evenings out because she opted for sleep. Those were some fun nights. We made some memories but she wasn't with us and we missed her. She was tired though.

I had to laugh. I was writing a blurb for a magazine about our cruise late one night. I was on the sofa with my laptop. This is what I found on my screen when I woke up:

"We have heard the term “trbe” ay times. It’sttrue ddddddddddddddddddd"

Speaking of sleep, I've missed a little sleep during my Breaking Bad marathon over the last few weeks,Sometimes sleep just isn't the top priority.We can always sleep next week.

Love to the single girls,

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