Monday, October 7, 2013

I believe in freedom

I believe adults in America should be free to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others. That includes smoking, drinking and eating too much ice cream - and most any of those habits people pick up.

Smoking especially is a common and also very social thing. I've never seen people interact as much as they do in the smoking culture. They'll even ask perfect strangers for a cigarette or a light. Would you ever ask a stranger for a french fry or bite of steak off their plate?

I'm not a smoker, and I truly don't mind when people smoke if they're polite smokers. I have asthma so I have to be careful around it.

Something interesting happened though that continues to bother me a week later. My friend who visited for the weekend recently is a smoker. A polite one. He smokes outside, picks up the butts and never smokes around someone while they're eating. He brushes his teeth after smoking - especially if kissing is involved. He even opens car doors and is a perfect gentleman.

But as polite as he is, there's one really bad habit. Right after sex - like within 15 seconds - he has to have a cigarette. And it's not like the 1940s movies when they could lounge in bed together and enjoy a cigarette. He has to go downstairs, put on clothes and go out on the balcony while I lay there. Alone. 

The first time I didn't think too much about it since he had to work all day, drive three hours and then go out. I'd probably need a cigarette after that day and some hot sex. By the third and fourth time, it bothered me - especially one time when i wasn't done yet.

My unscientific way of measuring when habits become addictions is when they get in the way of relationships. It could be a marriage or boss or family or friends. It could also be a new relationship like this one. We have a great time together, but I  don't want to be in bed alone when I'm not. We'll see how much of a gentleman he is next time.

Love to the single girls,

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