Friday, May 24, 2013

Time capsule

While my car's in the shop, I took advantage of having a larger car to empty out the storage room I've paid for over the last three years. This may seem small, but it was a milestone for me.

I decided for sure I would leave my ex after a very violent evening. That night I knew it had to end. The hardest part was I didn't know how or what to expect.

So I do what I always do. Taking things one step at a time. One of the first things was to find a place to stash things that are important to me but wouldn't be missed. Truly a time capsule of my life.

This pile includes everything from the director's chair that was in my childhood bedroom and the books I read with a flashlight after bedtime to my photo albums and wedding dress and shoes. There's even scuba gear and a couple of tennis rackets in the pile. Something from almost every part of my life is in this pile.

While I was planning my move, I didn't know if I would have a few days to move out or if I would have to grab Lucy and my purse and run. That's why I stashed these treasures that can never be replaced. I know it's only stuff. Clothes and furniture can be replaced, but my grandmother's wedding dress in the photo and my elementary school photos and other keepsakes can't.

We all have things from our past we want to hold onto. Each thing is a part of what made us who we are today. Letting go of the storage room not only saves me almost $700 per year but it also reconnects me with these treasures. And I've let go of one of the last links to those bad years.

Love to the single girls,

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