Saturday, December 22, 2012

Forgive and move on

Sometimes I hold a grudge longer than I probably should.

That may be the case with my brother-in-law. He did some pretty awful stuff about four years ago. Then on that Christmas Eve while I entertained my extended family, he spoke not one word to me the entire evening. My ex stirred things up even more.

Then he called me on New Year's Eve to "clear the air" so he could start the new year fresh. What about me? My brother-in-law only filled the air with his bullshit and stinky insults. He tried rationalizing what he did and only made things worse. Since then, things have been pretty icy between us. We co-exist when we have to. I decided that New Year's Eve he would never be welcome in my home again.

Now, four years later, I have a new home. My ex is out of the picture, and I have a chance to restart the tradition of entertaining my family on Christmas Eve. Either way, I'll cook the food. The grocery list is made. The house is clean. But I haven't decided where the meal will be served.

Do I forgive and move on? This is a perfect time for a fresh start, but I'll never forget.

Love to the single girls,

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