Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dream or nightmare

Last night I had a really strange dream. I know people dream all the time, and I probably do too. Usually it's no big deal, but I typically don't remember a thing. I can sleep through a tornado and remember nothing. Ever.

But this morning I remembered.

I tossed all night and never really slept like I'm used to. I remember going to my ex's house - where I used to live. He had moved his bedroom into the study and built this strange pyramid-shaped bookshelf that framed the bed and came to a point at the ceiling. The walls were dark blue and the most awful light blue shag carpeting covered the floor.

What I remember most though was before we went into this new bedroom. We were in the living room and he grabbed me. "Come here. I want to show you something," he said.

I fought free. "Let go of me," I said.

Then I woke up. I was breathing hard and disturbed. It took what I think was a while to go back to sleep. The blue wall and shag carpeting part must have continued after I went back asleep.

This happened a week or so ago too. I remember dreaming that he had moved his bed into the living room. It was pushed into the bay windows, and of course, unmade as always. This really makes no sense because he hates light - especially natural light.

Is this just a reminder of his bad taste in decorating or does it mean something else? Is it some perverted sex dream? Why am I dreaming about that king-sized bed I hated being in? Am I just rehashing how bad of a lover he was?

I want my sound sleep back. I demand it. And if I'm going to dream - and remember - they'd better be really hot ones with my ex nowhere to be found.

Love to the single girls,

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