Sunday, August 26, 2012

A girl brought a penis into a bar and the guys were scared

Speaking of bachelorette parties and Charlie Sheen, our special bar-hopping guest was an almost life-sized Charlie Sheen blow-up doll. Picture Pinocchio's nose and you'll have a good idea of the doll's penis. (Sorry Charlie!)

When we arrived at one of the clubs (after almost forgetting him on the party bus), we staked out an open area where we could dance. The spot also happened to be along the only path to the men's room. There were also at least four other bachelorette parties honoring other beautiful brides-to-be, and each group had their own version of a blow-up penis.

Of course we joined with the other groups and their blow-ups to celebrate together. You haven't seen funny until you've seen the looks on men's faces when they have close encounters with blow-up male genitalia. They stare at the ceiling, the floor or into space. They literally run and jump backward if it touches them. I haven't laughed so hard in a while.

Men openly enjoy women's bodies all the time. Why not let women do the same? Besides, it's all in fun. Best of luck to brides-to-be everywhere! I hope your fiancees are comfortable enough with their bodies to not be scared by a blow-up doll.

Love to the single girls,

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